Dec 6, 2009

Sunday's 18 mile Long Run

Sunday's 18 mile LSD

One of my favorite routes today - through River Oaks to downtown and back. Not too many Christmas lights up this year, but we did have a great conversation while passing through there about which houses are too big (most of them), which ones the trophy wives live in (the newest and gaudiest), and what it costs to get in to the neighborhood (about 2 mil for a tear-down). It was pretty cold out there too. Not as low a temperature as it would have been for yesterday's run had it not been canceled, but the cold, damp wind sure made it feel pretty miserable at times.

When we got back to the cars, there was a police car there with the officer talking to one of the runners who had come in before us. Turns out that someone got into the key box while the guy watching it was in the porta-potty, and several cars had been broken into. Aside from one wallet and one cell phone, nothing much seemed to have been taken. I lost a few bucks, but considering my wallet, iPhone, and hell, even my car were still there, I feel pretty lucky. Much luckier than the one runner who had the only key to his car taken. When I left, the police were still trying to jimmy his door open. What none of us can really understand is why the key box wasn't locked up inside a car when the guy watching it was doing his thing. Common sense says that when you've been put in charge of watching the keys to the cars of the people in the running group, you ought to make sure you're either watching them or securing them the entire time. The strangest thing about the break-ins is that whoever did it only took a few small items, used people's clothes as snot rags, and left all the wallets, phones, iPods, and cars themselves alone. Very unusual.


GetBackJoJo said...

any suspects? Like maybe the guy who ostensibly went to the can?
Glad it was a nice run, though!

MaineSport said...

Define cold for us. And don't be surprised if you find little sympathy. Still, 18 miles is a great effort. More impressive is the 2:59- that's a long time to be out there.

John said...

Mary, that was my wife's first thought too. He's been helping out for a few years, so I'm not sure he would do that. Still, it all seems a bit odd.

Temps were in the 40s, with 15 knots of wet wind. Not tights and long sleeves cold, and nothing like what we ran in in Russia.